RCIA is an acronym for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. It has been re-established in the Roman Catholic church as required by Vatican II in the 1960’s. The primary purpose of the RCIA process is the initiation of unbaptized adults into the church. Other applications include the instruction of adults and children who were baptized in other faiths and of baptized Catholics who are uncatechized.
The aim of the catechumenate process is inner transformation or conversion. It is a period of formation in the whole Christian life. during the months of preparation, the catechuman is gradually introduced to the parish community, entering its life through a series of rites which culminate in the Easter vigil celebrations and rites.
The RCIA process has a renewing effect on the life and people of the parish community. Newcomers to the faith are brought into its life at Easter, after an intense period of preparation through the church year and the Lenten period. The RCIA process and liturgical rites become a mini- catechumenate for the entire parish.
The RCIA process at St. Matthew Parish is ongoing through each church year and has been active since 1994.
If you or a relative or friend is interested in becoming a Catholic or if you are a Catholic who has not received First Eucharist or Confirmation and would like to, please contact Fr. James Flynn. Brochures are available at church exits.