Encourages prayerful participation through liturgy and provides the opportunities for parishioners to use their gifts to serve the liturgical needs of the parish. The various liturgical ministries are: Liturgical Planning, Sacristan, Greeter, Lector, Musician, Leader of Song and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.
Visit the sick, the elderly, and the infirm in their homes, hospitals, and nursing homes, praying with them and bringing them the Eucharist.
Contact Richard Cunningham or Father Flynn
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Welcomes anyone who can or wants to learn to, knit or crochet, to join them in creating prayer shawls for anyone in need of being “wrapped in prayer.” Prayer Shawl Committee meets at 7 PM in Parish Center Lobby on Wednesday evenings.
Contact Theresa Churchill
Our wish is for every couple to approach this process not as an obligation, but as a means of discovering more about their own motivation for marriage and becoming aware of what their life partner is bringing to the table. We try to deliver a discovery and awareness perspective during our pre-cana and couple-to-couple sessions with couples starting out in their married lives. By articulating the power behind daily communications to help manage each other's expectations, we believe that marriages can thrive as they age. Our training at the diocesan level has provided us with powerful tools that enable us to deliver perspectives with lasting impact on our program attendees. We strive to stay away from a teaching and preaching approach and have found that by sharing our own experiences through sincere and honest examples, we are best able to assist in the couple’s preparation for a lasting marriage.
Serves the parish through caring and sharing service. This group of volunteers serves the emergency needs that arise in parishioners’ homes from time to time. These include emergency babysitting, transportation, means or other assistance that a family might need on a one-time basis.
Oversees the establishment and development of the Religious Education Program for all ages. It will develop policies and goals relative to this area of parish life.
Offers programs to strengthen the spiritual life of the parish by providing opportunities for a parish retreat, prayer services, scripture classes, and other spiritually oriented programs.
The purpose of Youth Ministry is to lead youth in grades 7-12 to a closer relationship with Christ and our parish community. This is done through ongoing faith formation and social justice activities. Special emphasis is placed on helping our own parish community as well as the community at large. For current events and photos of Youth Ministry please visit the Facebook page.