Saturday: 4:00 pm
Sunday: 7:30 am, 10:00 am & 6 pm
Masses will continue to be live-streamed
until further notice at:
St. Matthew Youth Ministry will be collecting food and monetary donations for the Southborough Food Pantry. In particular, the food pantry needs the following items:
Chef Boyardee Beefaroni | Mayonnaise |
Corned beef hash | Paper towels |
Cream of Mushroom soup | Regular laundry detergent |
Dinty Moore beef stew | Sensitive laundry detergent |
Dish detergent | Spam |
Kleenex | Toilet paper |
Star of Bethlehem Olive Wood Carvings
Maysoon Khair will be visiting our church on February 8-9th representing over a hundred Christian families who make their livelihood through the selling of their hand carved olive wood religious articles.
After all the weekend Masses, there will be a display of these beautiful hand carved religious items; such as nativity scenes, crucifix, rosaries, last supper and many other beautiful religious statues. These specialty items make wonderful Confirmation and First Communion gifts. Please stop by and look over the carvings that are available and help support this self-help project keep the children and the Christians living in the Holy Land.
Star of Bethlehem Handicrafts WebsitePlease schedule Baptisms by calling the Parish Office. Our Baptism Class for parents (and Godparents, if possible) is held the second Friday of January, March, May, July, September, and November at 7:00PM at the Parish Center. You must register with the Parish Office to attend.
Online giving allows you to make regular donations to the parish, either one time for special collections (e.g., Parish Improvement), regular offertory or second collections.
Prayer shawls are available for those who are in need of being “wrapped” in prayer and need some comfort in time of illness, grief, or experiencing a difficult time. Contact the Parish Office if you would like a prayer shawl for yourself or a friend, family, or co-worker, who may benefit from receiving one.